Warn Continuity of “Destructor” Policies

Recent meetings of the Bolivian Minister of Environment and Water with the “Government, ENDE and the Ministry of Energy, among other institutions“ to assess the current situation of one of the most controversial projects from the previous administration—the Rositas hydroelectric plant in Santa Cruz—has raised concerns among indigeneous and other communities that the transitional government will proceed with planned megadam projects.

The Coordinator of Defense of Native Indigenous Peasant Territories and Protected Areas (Contiocap), Ruth Alipaz, stated “we denounce that the power groups of the East (agribusiness and others), which until recently were strong allies of the MAS, re-articulate around Minister (María Elva) Pinckert to continue imposing mega hydroelectric plants that are economically unviable and will destroy our territories…"There are actions of this government that are going beyond its attributions. It is making its minister to promote these projects, without knowledge and usurping functions of the Ministry of Public Works. We are seeing that it is clear that the minister is designated to continue extractive policies of the MAS that undermine the environment and human rights, "said Alipaz and said that measures will be taken to promote" destructive "projects and plans.”

You can read the rest of the Spanish-language article here.