Acts of Love and Peace

The Spanish-language national newspaper Opinion, published an editorial by Eduardo Morales that shares concerns that the transitional government will continue with the mega-dam projects from the previous administration: “hydroelectric dams are again news, given the possibility that the transition government will make viable projects initiated by the MAS; the most destructive political party of the nature of the country.” He then cites the high construction costs, social and environmental costs (e.g., loss of interregional biological stability, greenhouse gases) and economic damage of the planned hydroelectric plants.

The author poses the question “What makes Maria Elva Pinckert, current Minister of Environment and Water, want to execute the destructive projects promoted by the MAS?” and surmises “probably political pressures, but also a remarkable dose of self-ignorance” He concludes “If she knew well, with scientific argumentation involved, the consequences of hydroelectric plants such as Rositas or El Bala or Chepete, any pressure would be easily dissipated and the consensus on dams she seeks would simply be unnecessary.”

Read the Spanish language article here.