SERNAP and FFAA start intervention in 22 parks

According to this Spanish-language article in Los Tiempos, the National Service of Protected Areas (SERNAP) is collaborating with the Armed Forces to address land trafficking, illegal settlements and drug dealing in 22 protected areas. The intervention will include “audits of administrative, financial and technical management” and is being coordinated with the Ministries of Government and Defense. The director of SERNAP, Maikol Melgar, “clarified that all communities that are legally established within the Natural Area of ​​Integrated Management (ANMI) of each park will be respected and will have support. The ANMI is an area where low intensity agricultural activity is allowed. Meanwhile, the Minister of the Environment, María Elva Pinckert, said that no more illegal settlements will be allowed in protected areas and that funding is sought to strengthen control in those areas.”

“The environmental activist and defender of the indigenous peoples Alex Villca Limaco said that the native peoples will be very attentive to the results of this intervention in the parks, but warned that he hopes that it is not a “distracting maneuver”. "We do not believe much in the actions of the Government, probably that control action that is taking place simply has a distracting purpose to make us believe that it is being taken seriously," he said. He asserted that the MAS Government was dedicated to destroying natural parks and displacing indigenous peoples. However, the current transitional Executive has also promoted the clearing of forests and has continued the extractivist policy. He said the park rangers are insufficient and have no equipment, so he asked that the inhabitants of those areas become “sentries” who take care of the parks.”