Amazonas, a trip to the heart of the Bolivian jungle: A unique experience with indigenous communities, rural tourism and wildlife in the jungle

La Vanguardia, a Spanish online newspaper, recently wrote an article on visiting Madidi National Park and ecolodges in the area with video and photos. “This protected area is distinguished by being unique in the world. The visit of tourists requires education and environmental awareness. The real threats are related to hunting and fishing that are prohibited (only local communities are allowed to hunt or fish), as well as large-scale mining - there is gold in the river. The previous governments tried to build a hydroelectric dam and a highway.“

It is recommended that visitors to this protected area “take a tour with an agency that is socially responsible, as there are countless companies that offer visits but are fined for hunting, cutting down trees or entering trails Not allowed. Another fundamental warning is not to buy any product that derives from illegal hunting, such as alligator wallets, snake oil and other similar items. Besides not destroying the flora and not touching the animals.”

You can read the original Spanish article here.