Ministry of Energy rules out continuing with questionable projects such as Chepete, Bala and Rositas

According to this Spanish-language article, the Bolivian “Minister of Energy, Rodrigo Guzmán, said Tuesday that hydroelectric projects that are in question due to possible damage to the environment, such as Chepete, El Bala or Rositas, will not be part of that office’s portfolio of projects..” He expressed regret “that the previous Government (MAS) insisted on executing these projects, despite fierce opposition of citizens, who questioned those initiatives because they were going to affect the environment… large projects that have been questioned for the environmental damages …will not be part of the institution or of the project portfolio of the Ministry of Energy (...), we are talking about the projects el Chepete, El Bala and de Rositas, questionable projects, with many problems with citizens,”he told reporters. In his view, the MAS Government was not interested in the environmental damage caused by these projects. "We are not going to do it and as long as these projects are not corrected and coordinated with the people of the sector, they will not be part of this Government," he insisted.”