This Spanish-language article reports that Bolivia’s Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energies, Franklin Molina announced that “Bolivia's potential to produce electricity and export to the markets of the region is diverse and inexhaustible.” He specifically mentioned the Chepete and El Bala hydroelectric projects, located in the north of the department of La Paz, that have been “questioned by some environmental groups and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).”
“"I have seen studies by some extremely biased NGOs where they even try to induce the population that the large dams of these hydroelectric projects are not renewable and are therefore renewable. What does the water depend on? On the rain," he replied.”
The article goes on to state: “According to official data, the Chepete and El Bala hydroelectric projects have a potential of 3,676 megawatts (MW), the first with 3,251 MW and the second with 425 MW, which makes it an important power generator. During the administration of former President Evo Morales, the execution of these projects was halted because, according to activists, it would affect the environment despite the fact that it was guaranteed that the constructions will respect the norms that protect Mother Earth.”