UN Rapporteur on Human Rights will participate in a public conference in Bolivia

On Tuesday, June 15, the International Conference "The Right to Protect the Environment" will take place, with the… participation of David R. Boyd, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment.”

CEDIB’s (Documentation and Information Center Bolivia) press release noted that “after a decade of intensification of extractive activities in our country, conflicts related to the environment and vital resources such as water have increased exponentially.”

“in the Third Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights of the Bolivian state…human rights violations were reported…several recommendations were issued related to the situation of Human Rights Defenders, the environment, Indigenous Peoples and the right to adequate food, in the context of extractive activities.”

“Social leaders and environmental defenders Alex Villca and Ruth Alipaz, who were also part of the delegation that was in charge, in October 2019, in Geneva, of the socialization actions of the reports on Bolivia” will be participating on June 15.

“The Conference will take place on Tuesday June 15 in virtual format, from Hrs. 9:00 am to 11:30 am. Participation will be free through the zoom platform, and live broadcasts through the CEDIB Facebook and You Tube accounts ( https://www.facebook.com/events/181982717182174?ref=newsfeed ).”

The original Spanish-language article is available here.