Fundacion Solon has shared the Spanish-language presentation “Solar Disruption in Bolivia” prepared by Pablo Solón for the XXXVII version of the Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz Free Chair of the UMSA that was held on March 3 in the University Paraninfo of the UMSA with the Support from the UMSA Rectorate, the Social Communication Career and the Solón Foundation, and with the participation of Catalan ecologist and economist Joan Martínez Alier and Alex Villca from San José de Uchupiamonas of Madidi Park.
The presenters recommended that geothermal be replaced with solar, wind and small hydroelectric to ensure that: a. gas reserves last longer, b. gas volumes are met committed to export, C. fines are avoided and d. the country's income is expanded as said gas will be sold without the subsidies that exist for the domestic market. They concluded that overcoming extractivism requires a alternate plan to the national agenda.