Maria Pincker: In January we will have a plan to save Chiquitania

The Bolivian Minister of Environment, Maria Pincker, announced that the government aims to release its action plans to address the fires in Chiquitania by January 10, 2020. Ruth Alipaz raised concerns that certain agreements with sectors of power are being made, specifically with agribusiness of Santa Cruz, “to reforest the Chiquitania, and that some designated authorities follow the line of continuing extractive policies. These are indicators that there will not be many changes for indigenous people.

On the other hand, in the area of ​​democracy, the challenge for the country is to comply with the CPE so that from governmental policies structural changes can be developed and institutionalization can be recovered, so that the population has confidence in the new government, that policies are redirected…so that these are… inclusive. For example, in the case of indigenous people, from the territories, give opportunities to create new forms of economy, taking into account the young population to reactivate it.

It is expected that new governments will be able to hear proposals for true life plans, versus the developmental and progressive policy that leads us to the social crisis.”

You can read the Spanish-language article here.