Andean condor: commitment to regional conservation

The Andean condor is the national bird of Bolivia, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador. With only an estimated 10,000 condors remaining, it is on the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as a Near Threatened species.

Robert Wallace, director of the Madidi-Tambopata Great Landscape Conservation Program at WCS-Bolivia, was quoted in this Spanish-language article “"It is a species very vulnerable to any type of threat”

“This large bird, which can live 70 years in captivity, breeds until it is five or six years old and only has one calf every two years. This makes it take a long time to recover a population that loses some of its members due to poisoning, one of its main threats. In several countries, the condor is a victim of the poison destined for other species, such as the Andean fox. Dr. Wallace explains that there have been reports of poisoning in Colombia and Argentina, but "there are suspicions that this also occurs in Bolivia and Peru."